Edwardsville Public Library


Once upon a time....
In 1819, Edwardsville was on the western frontier of the United States. Less than a year after Illinois became a state, the progressive frontier town was already home to a free public library. This first library, which preceded our current Carnegie library building by almost 100 years, was chartered in 1823. It consisted of 121 items and a single librarian, Mr. John H. Randle. The original book catalog of this library has been preserved, and is still viewable today.
Mission Statement
As a unique community resource, the Edwardsville Public Library supports your informational, educational, and recreational needs and interests.
With convenient, creative, patron-friendly access to materials and services, we seek to inform, inspire, enrich and amaze our growing community. The Edwardsville Public Library is part of the LEWIS & CLARK LIBRARY SYSTEM.